Arduino MQ-6 Butane Propane Gas Sensor Module


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MQ-6 Gas sensor is a Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) type Gas Sensor mainly used to detect the LPG and Butane gas concentration in the air either at home or in industry. This sensor contains a sensing element, mainly aluminum-oxide based ceramic, coated with Tin dioxide, enclosed in a stainless-steel mesh. Whenever gas comes into contact with the sensing element, the resistivity of the element changes. The change is then measured to get the concentration of the gases present. Its sensing range is very suitable for gas leak detection in homes and places like hotels, restaurants where cooking is done using LPG cylinders. The combustion of LPG is highly exothermal means it will release a vast amount of heat if ignited which when used in controlled way is beneficial but if an accident occurs it will be devastating. It can be used in automobiles which are CNG powered, homes, restaurants to detect LPG gas leak.



  • Operating Voltage is +5V
  • Can be used to detect LPG or Butane gas
  • Analog output voltage: 0V to 5V
  • Digital Output Voltage: 0V or 5V (TTL Logic)
  • Preheat duration 20 seconds
  • Can be used as a Digital or analog sensor
  • The Sensitivity of Digital pin can be varied using the potentiometer


Product Description


To use this Sensor Module, you have power the device with 5V supply and the Power LED will start to glow. You should give it some time for its pre heating period before start reading the output. While measuring the gas present, the Output LED will glow in a specific concentration of the gas. You can change it by using the potentiometer. Else you can also use the Analog Output to see how your program react to different concentration of gases present.

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